A bit
about us


Plasticrecyclingfacts.org is a collaboration between the Environmental Services Association and the British Plastics Federation. We have a shared passion for recycling and are committed to creating a greener, more sustainable future for all.

Helpful information

Our aim is to help everyone recycle plastics better. Whether you’re a dedicated recycler who wants a definitive answer on whether you should put plastic coat hangers in your kerbside collection bin or you just want to start doing your bit for the environment, we’re here for you. With our bite-size facts and links to trusted information, we’ll give you the confidence that you’re recycling the right plastics in the right way.

Follow us

The world of recycling plastics is always evolving and improving. So please follow us on social media and make sure you stay in the loop!

Oh, about the coat hangers…

they should be taken to your local council recycling centre or you could ask any charity shops if they would be of use. Some retailers take them back too!


Here you’ll find useful facts about which plastics to recycle and why it’s such an important thing to do, not just for our planet but also the local community.